Xtreme Small Nero Marquina

Il lavabo XTREME, con la sua forma tonda, presenta la nuova base in marmo capace di esaltare ancora di più l’eleganza indiscussa e la semplice preziosità del bordo in vetro rigorosamente soffiato, frutto di un’artigianalità Made in Italy senza tempo.
Il marmo, materia naturale e di assoluta eleganza, entra a far parte del mondo Glass Design, conferendo un alto valore ed una indiscussa preziosità dovuta all’unicità di ogni singolo pezzo.
Misure:XTREME S Ø367 h 130mm / XTREME MØ367 h300 mm

The XTREMEbasin, round in form, assumes an even greater visual impact in its new marble baseversion. The simplicity of the rim, mouth-blown, is testimony to the timeless artisanal craftsmanship synonymous with Glass Design and associated with the Made In Italy phenomenon.
MARBLE, natural and so very elegant, enters the Glass Design portfolio, thanks to the company’s extensive, their aesthetic value being elevated yet further due to the unique nature of every single piece. The peculiarities of marble, such as its colour and vein disparities.
Dimensions:XTREME S Ø367 h 130mm / XTREME MØ367 h300 mm

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